Running this morning I met Bolt... - Ho incontrato Bolt correndo, 'sta mattina...

I just finished a 5.702km running that lasted about 0hh:56mm:9ss ! During this activity, I met Bolt ... not Usain, but a beautiful dog named ...

5 years ago, comments: 36, votes: 105, reward: $6.87

I just finished a 5.702km running that lasted about 0hh:56mm:9ss !


During this activity, I met Bolt ... not Usain, but a beautiful dog named - by her human-friend Annalisa - because his intense soft coat.

Days of intense activity: in addition to running, we are walking far and wide to discover paths never traveled before.
The dogs (@holydog and @bdog) are very happy. @iena is also benefiting from this outdoor activity... photographs and further posts will follow.

#Ita 🇮🇹

Durante queszta attività, ho incontrato Bolt... non Usain, ma un bellissimo cane chiamato come l'ammorbidente dalla sua padrona Annalisa per il suo intenso pelo morbidissimo.

Giornate di intensa attività: oltre a correre, stiamo camminando in lungo e in largo alla scoperta di sentieri mai percorsi prima.
I cani (@holydog e @bdog) sono molto contenti. Anche iena sta beneficiando di questa attività outdoor... seguiranno fotografie e ulteriori posts.
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